10 Ways To Increase Your ECommerce Conversion Rate

Today, we are in the digital world, visiting websites, buying, and shopping online.


Customers like to scroll down the e-commerce websites for their requirements rather than visiting brick and mortar stores.


Maybe it’s a different era for businesses and brands, i.e., a digital era. But, the competition level is still the same. The deck stands out even higher as of today.


Thus, it becomes crucial for businesses to calculate and analyze measures to optimize their website and increase e-commerce conversion rates.

Now, before we understand how to improve the ecommerce conversion rate, we must have a brief introduction about the same.


That is to say, if we acknowledge the concept of e-commerce conversion rate, we’ll better grasp the measures to increase the e-commerce conversion rate.

What is ecommerce conversion rate?

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The ratio of overall transactions to full sessions in the form of percentage is simply the e-commerce conversion rate.


For instance, if one transaction occurs for every ten sessions on a website, the e-commerce conversion rate stands out as 10%.


Now, let’s go through various measures for Ecommerce Conversion Rate Optimization:

User Personalization

A website needs to personalize the user’s experience for a fantastic conversion rate.


Now, you might need robust tracking and communication software to understand the likes and dislikes of the customers.


When focused, you will undoubtedly get to know the actions and visits of the user across platforms. Meanwhile, it helps you to improve eCommerce conversion rates.


Thus, you get a chance to send an email along with the coupon codes.


Meanwhile, it would help if you remembered that the coupon codes must be easily accessible by the users.

Creative email receipts

Nowadays, it has become a primary practice to send purchase invoices through email instead of a printed one.


Undoubtedly, it is a practical step toward using paper and avoiding deforestation.


While sending the invoice, you can innovate a brilliant idea of attaching recommendations of some products and services based on previous purchases.


Probably 80% of the customers revisit your website to look up the recommendations and purchase one or the other product or service.


Moreover, many customers even get to buy the products related to the recommendations.

Display Customer Reviews

MixMediaLabs - Display Customer Reviews​

Note the reviews of customers who visit your website and buy your products or services.


Before buying a product, most customers opt to go through the reviews and understand the intentions of the loyal customers. 


Therefore, it’s essential to display your customers’ reviews, along with their pictures.


It would help if you never forgot to give them a chance to your customer to leave a review of the product to understand their feelings.


It helps build customer trust and ties a strong bond with them.

Mention detailed product description

Some years ago, when people used to go to the offline store to buy a product, it was easy for them to understand its features.


In other words, for a product’s description, they didn’t need to run around or search for it. They could read on the cover or ask some attendant over there.


Thus, it becomes crucial to understand for the brands that customers look for the same descriptive feature in this digital era also. 


They should mention all features and FAQs for the customers to look at so that they rarely face any issues.


Meanwhile, the step certainly increases conversion rates and traffic to build your SEO ranking.

Optimize your website for mobile devices

MixMediaLabs - Optimize Your Website For Mobile Devices​

Nowadays, everyone can’t carry their laptop for shopping everywhere. Most people prefer mobiles for the same.


Thus, if your website is mobile-friendly, you may include various features and marketing strategies following the customers.


You may refer to reviewing your traffic source data to understand where most of the customers are coming to visit the website.


Thus, you may focus on the relevant page for maximum conversions via mobile devices.

Enable live chat for customer service

When customers visit your website and search about a product, they are confused.


That is to say; several queries surround them. And these queries need to be answered instantly.


If you introduce live chat with the customers, they take it as a prompt response from your side. They are happy with some accurate answers.


Meanwhile, the step also introduces your brand image among the customers. They love to buy from the site having such features.

Provide high-quality images and videos

When customers opt to shop online, they can’t touch or feel the product. Thus, you must offer them a detailed view of the product they will buy.


Now, customers understand what they get when the website shows the product description through the best quality images or videos.


Consequently, the images and videos convince them by visualizing the products better, leading to an increase in conversion rate.

Prefer social media

Social media can do miracles for a website that was quite impossible in the earlier days.


In the past years, we could hardly think of efficiently advertising our products or services to the crowd. But, with social media, it has become possible.


You can generate conversions and get new leads with just a single click. For instance, if a community prefers to like your post on social media and shares them with their friends, the post goes viral.


The post’s popularity grows with other sharing—subsequently, the conversion rate increases.


Additionally, we get more accessible responses and referral traffic from social media than anywhere else. 

Upgrade your website loading speed


If people visit your website and it takes too long to load, people are more likely to bounce to other sites.


People nowadays don’t have time to wait for your site to get loaded. Instead, they prefer to abandon it before offering any purchase.


Thus, estimating how an eCommerce website performs well in terms of website speed is essential.

Improve site navigation

If people visit your website and it takes too long to load, people are more likely to bounce to other sites.

People nowadays don’t have time to wait for your site to get loaded. Instead, they prefer to abandon it before offering any purchase.

Thus, estimating how an eCommerce website performs well in terms of website speed is essential.

To sum up, there are various ways to increase your conversion rate — all you need to look into some minor issues to offer your services more smoothly down the website.